Monday, September 25, 2006

Computerized Befores and Afters

So I thought you guys might want to see the computerized versions of the Before and After pictures. These were taken from the simplified movie files of my plan.

Center before and after:

I'm hoping my gumline above my right canine gets moved up eventually, too. That will really even out my smile.

Upper before and after:

Lower before and after:

Pretty cool, right?

In other news, I'M STARVING!!! I can't snack all the time like I'm used to doing with these trays in my mouth, and my stomach is constantly growling at work, in meetings, and on conference calls (yes, the other parties heard my stomach growl on a conference call - that's pretty bad).

I had tried eating a semi-big piece of chocolate at work a few weeks ago, and that was a huge mistake. I started to try to chew it, and it just got stuck on my trays and semi-dislodging them from my teeth. So I had to lick the inside of my mouth and teeth like crazy, because a member of my staff asked me a question that I had to answer right away. As one other fellow Invisalign wearer noted, I felt like a dog with peanut butter stuck inside its mouth.

I have to admit I did manage to eat some Candy Corns today, since they were small enough to me to just suck on. I'm also going to try Hershey Kisses, M&M's, and Reeses Pieces. I'm so bad!!!! But, I'm starving. There goes my stomach again.

*Note: I am not condoning this type of eating habit for other Invisalign wearers! I'm the worst model to follow! Just laugh at my blog and don't do what I do!*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

When you gonna update your blog my friend? I just updated mine. My husband told me I was a ham after I showed him. He knows me well. I was laughing the entire time I was working on the post. I crack myself up hee hee