Saturday, August 25, 2007

4th Refinement Trays

Halfway through this set of trays, I realized I was halfway done with my refinement period! Whoo-hoo!

However, I'm not really seeing too much progress, even in the pictures. I can't wait for this refinement period to be over. I certainly hope I'll be able to do all the final touches (whitening, veneers/bonding) before my brother's wedding at the beginning of October. I should be finished with all my trays a few weeks beforehand, so hope to have time to do everything else before October 6th!

Center smile:

Center, mouth agape:



Right side (looking a little better - unless it's just the angle I took it at):

Left side:


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I really am considering invisalign and you're the only website I've found that has chronicled the entire process with plenty of pictures and real stories.

You are such a great help! Are you done now?

Dr. Nikaeen said...

Beverly Hills Invisalign
Thank you for your good info. i read one article about it in another site if you like read it. I think you won't wast time.

Anonymous said...

i love that you posted pictures, i had my impressions taken a few weeks ago.. i am going in on oct 13 to get the interproximal reduction and those blue rings put in between my teeth, followed by october 21st when i will get my first trays and im and guessing.. attachments. my teeth are VERY similar to yours.. well how they used to look.. seeing your progress has made me SO EXCITED! Thanks again for the photo blogging.. if i could figure out how to do that, i would too!

Dr. David Cheng said...

Fantastic pictures. Love reading about your Invisalign treatment. This will help many people understand what Invisalign is all about.

Tara said...

I have really enjoyed reading through your blog and seeing your progress. Thank you for keeping up with this and giving us all a resource!