Tuesday, June 12, 2007

More on the 1st Refinement Trays

OK, so the pain has subsided somewhat.

My front teeth are no longer incredibly sore, but my rear molars last night were really sensitive! It was odd, because by Day 3 of these trays, I felt like a million dollars. All of a sudden, on Day 4, my molars were sore to the point where it was ruining my appetite again.

Last night, I finally filed down that rear part of the tray that was bothering my tongue. Unfortunately, it looks like the mold for my back teeth didn't completely get my entire left rear molar, so the trays cover only half my molar. This is resulting in a not-so-smooth feeling against my tongue, no matter how much I filed down the area. I've tried wax in the past, but it only lasts for a few minutes, and then gets dislodged, so I don't think I'm going to bother. I'm hoping my tongue will just eventually get used to this new annoyance. I looked ahead at my next 3 trays, and confirmed that they all only cover half my rear left molar. Oh well.

I'm now on Day 5, and my molars are still slightly sore, but not as bad as the day before. It's much easier to pop my trays on and off now, but will never be as easy as it had been pre-buttons. I'm very self-conscious about them, and told everyone about them so that I didn't have to deal with wondering whether or not they were staring at the weird thing on my teeth ("Hey, you got some rice stuck on your teeth there -- yes, of course I'd say it's rice because you're asian - why else would I think you'd be eating anything else?" <-- sorry, I always have to stick in asian humor in here somehow) or not. Now, I know they know.

It's much more of a pain to pop my trays out for a quick snack during the day at work, so I'm once again starving. Aaaaa!!! The sacrifices I make! Oh, the agony!! :)


Unknown said...

I feel your pain! I just started on the Invisalign Express (only 10 trays) treatment on June 18th. They started me off with 4 buttons on top and 4 buttons on the bottom. The worst part is that 2 of the buttons on top are on my FRONT TWO TEETH! They are VERY noticeable when the trays aren't in. I've had them on 2 full days now and my front teeth are still sensitive. Oh well, no pain, no gain.

Anyway, it looks like you are a little further along than I am, so I'll be reading your blog to see what I have to look forward to!

Him said...

Hey Thy-

I've been on Invisalign for 8 weeks now (I just put in my fifth trays a few minutes ago) and I have 19 total- 14 to go. I just wanted to say thanks for providing so much information. I've been wondering of some of my problems are normal, and reading your blog has comforted me bunches.

I had two buttons on the bottom and four on the top during my initial treatment, and I have a but of encouragement to offer- it does actually get easier to take them in and out with the buttons. My strategy is ususally to start on my far right side top (the buttons aren't on my molars) and edge the trays off that way. I do the same thing with my bottoms.

Anyway, keep updating- I love to read about your progress.


Him said...

Did my comment work?

Thy said...

Hi Jonathan,

WOW -- 8 buttons total, with 2 on your front teeth - that's killer. I'd die. Not to make things worse for you, but, OMG, I'd die of embarrassment :) Has anyone commented on your trays or your buttons at all? I switch out to my 2nd set of refinement trays tonight, so I'm a little apprehensive about how sensitive my teeth will be with this set. I hope not very!

Glad you stopped by, and hope you stick around til the grand finale! Let me know if you start a blog of your own as well!


Thy said...

Hey there, Frog!

Thanks for the tip about the buttons. I had wound up doing EXACTLY the same thing you suggested, and it definitely IS alot easier!

I'm glad my blog has helped to ease some of your fears of being the "only person" experiencing some weird issues. I'm sure I'll be posting about some others, so tune in again! :)


Thy said...

p.s. Frog, I forgot to mention that you won't see your comments until I publish them, which I just did....

Anonymous said...

hi thy.. i JUST got invisalign two days ago.. i researched quite a lot online and it looks like a lot ppl's tooth problems were minor.. for me, i have severe crowding.. (had tongue ring twice) which made my teeth all out of shape...

oh and i had braces for 3 years when i was 12 and swore never to go back to it..

but now, i'm on invisalign and i'm worried by reading that a lot of the times, it doesn't work. what is your overall experience? i'm afraid i spent a lot of money on something that won't "move roots"

i even salivate a lot.. so gross! and it's not thaat clear for me..
any words of advice? i'm only on day 2... but i so want straight teeth!

i start my top tray in 2 months.. i'm kind of scared i'll get lisp!

Anonymous said...

oh i forgot to say thank you for blogging about invisalign thy.. i forgot to put my name on the previous post.. but it really helps me out with all the info you put down..

i just hope and praaaay it will work for me.. (i have like 8 buttons that will need to go onto my teeth) but it's the price i have to pay i guess for never wearing my retainers when i was younger. If you could do an overall experience on invisalign, that would be great.. i'm hoping i made the right choice when i now need to commit 1 year of invisalign.. scary..


Anonymous said...

I am lucky I guess, my top teeth are pretty crooked, but I only got one button on my canine which had absolutely no room to grow where it was supposed to so incidentally grew above and outside my normal row of teeth. It has to be pulled down, which is quite painful thus far! It feels like I am getting punched in the mouth whenever I have to put my aligners in and get it up over that cursed button. I will be writing about my invisaligns occasionally in my blog, and prob have a few pics too:

blakestin said...

I think your blog is great Thy! We would love to do an interview with you about your invisalign experience. My email is babel@antibbraces.com
if you are interested send me an email and we can talk more about this. thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi Thy,

I am not sure if you received my first message as I have not heard back from you but I would love to interview regarding your Invisalign experience. It looks like an interesting one and we will post it on our website with your picture and testimonial. If you do it we send gift cards so get back to me at babel@antibraces.com
thanks Thy, beautiful dog by the way.


Unknown said...

I am using invisalign on myself and I'm a cosmetic dentist. I absolutely love it; it's changed my crowding! I feel wonderful about my new smile! Feel free to contact me! 904.731.1919


Invisalign said...

If your teeth haven't been moving for a while and you put new invisalign aligners on, your teeth will be sore for a day or two. That is why your 1st refinement trays have caused discomfort.

researching invisalign said...

Thank you so much for doing this - It really helps to be able to see what exactly will be happening along the way.