Saturday, June 09, 2007

16th Trays and a Refinement Conversation

OK, truth be told, I haven't posted to my blog in over a month. It's currently Saturday, 6/9/07, and I had gone to the ortho on 4/30/07 for my last "initial phase" visit.

To be honest with you, I don't really recall anything particular about my last set of trays, other than the fact that my teeth didn't really move much more from my 15th trays. The difference with these trays, however, is that I got to see my ortho after I was done with them.

Armed with printouts of my blog with all the pictures of my teeth, with problematic areas highlighted and circled, I discussed what I wanted to see fixed in my refinement period. I got some more pictures taken (which I'll post below), some new molds created, and notes were taken on everything both I and my ortho wanted to see happen with my next set of trays.

When I told my ortho my concerns about my crossbite tooth sitting at an angle and jutting out with the root still way back, he said Invisalign wasn't strong enough to move roots. He basically explained that my tooth will never look the same as the opposing tooth because of the fact that it's developed its whole life behind the other teeth and not in front, so it doesn't have the same shape/size as the opposing tooth. Only cosmetic dental procedures can fix that. He said he can have Invisalign move my tooth out more, but that it wouldn't give me the effect I was looking for.

So, I decided that, after my refinement in done and I'm completely satisfied, I'm going to get my teeth whitened, and then maybe get that tooth bonded. I have to talk it over with my dentist, but I think bonding doesn't file away your tooth like veneers would -- it was just add to the existent tooth -- which is what I need. I need to build it up more towards the top. I understand that bonding doesn't last as long as veneers would, but that's OK. I think this is what would make me really really happy in the end.

I was told the turnaround time for this would be about 4 weeks. It wound up taking 5, and I'll go over my next experience with all that in my next post.

Onto the pictures! These will all be in Before and After style, from before I started my treatment, to after my 16th and last trays in my initial phase.

Center smile:



Right Side:

Left Side:

Full face smile:


Unknown said...

wow, that's a real difference! well done and thanks for your blog. I'm about to start my treatment and it's been interesting (and scary) to read your story, but the difference is clear.

btw, any advice on the things you're able to drink (in particular alcohol?) with your trays in, please? thanks a lot


Thy said...

Hi Lise,

I'm glad my blog scared you.....I! Seriously speaking, though, with regard to drinks (namely, the alcoholic kind). I drank pretty much everything with them in, but would have to take a break to rinse them out in the bathroom after a few hours. Beer wasn't an issue, and I never really drank darker liquids, like red wine or chocolate martinis (yummmmmm) with them in, so couldn't tell you. Since these trays are only worn for 2 weeks, my concern isn't really whether or not they'd get stained, but whether or not my teeth would get corroded from alcohol, and sugary alcohol at that, surrounding my enamel, eating away at it. They say if you're going to drink something sugary, you should at least rinse your trays and your mouth out with water before putting them back in.

The other thing I've noticed is that my refinement trays are a much tighter fit than my regular trays had been. With my regular trays, I found myself sucking the extra spit out of my trays while they were still in my mouth, but with my refinement trays, I haven't had the need to do that at all. Something to think about if you're planning on drinking alot, I guess. It might wind up sloshing around in your trays. Good luck and let me know if you start your own blog so I can keep up with your progress as well!


Anonymous said...

Hey Thy, I have been reading your blog for a while. We had similar problems with our teeth. In my case the left canine was hiding behind my bottom teeth. I'm currently going through my refinements, and like you, I noticed that my left canine does not look the same as my right one. I was wondering if you bonded your tooth like you said you would and if so, are you happy with the results? I'm thinking about doing the same thing and would love to hear your thoughts. Thank you!!

Thy said...

I actually haven't finished my refinement yet. Lower teeth are still not perfectly straight, and I've been very bad about switching up trays every 2 weeks, so I haven't seen my ortho in months. Depending on our financial situation after all is said and done, I'm going to get veneers for BOTH bicuspids on each side (so they match). This would be following my dentist's advice. He basically said that both my bicuspids are too small, which exaggerates the unevenness I see on the one side. He also said that veneers are really the way to go for 2 reasons : they last longer and look more natural (their surface is shinier like natural teeth, unless the bonding material). One day, I'll update my blog fully so I can catch everyone up to my current progress!

Hana said...

Hi Thy, I can't believe I actually stumbled upon your blog just now! I was doing a search on "american eskimo mold candy" to see if I could find something to make candy or soap with. I haven't read your blog yet, but I get the impression it's about your adventures with Invisalign :-) I wear them, too, except I'm not sure if it's invisalign. My ortho makes them himself.

I had braces as a kid, then wore retainers, but stopped after a while, then my teeth moved. So I got new retainers as an adult. But then stopped wearing them after a while, yet again. A few years ago, I decided to get my teeth back in place and now I wear my invisaligns EVERY night! You can bet your bottom dollar I'm wearing them religiously now because this time I was the one who paid for them, not my insurance and not my parents.

Anonymous said...

OMG, I can't believe I stumbled on your site just now same way our friend Hana did!! Great blog. Thanks for sharing the adventure with us :)

tammy said...

hi thy great blog did you not have any ipr and also did you notice much widening of your arch of teeth thanks

Invisalign Braces Pittsburgh said...

Inspiring story. Keep it up.