Friday, February 23, 2007

9th Trays

I have been VERY remiss on my blogging - tsk tsk tsk - I know. Well, let me get right down to it, then.

Got my next set of trays - trays 9 through 12 - at the ortho's. He said he visited my blog, and was impressed with my record-keeping. He also forewarned me about some movements and issues to expect in the upcoming trays.

My teeth are nearing the point where my crossbite tooth will soon make its "jump" from being behind my lower teeth to going in front of them. At one point, they'll be right on top of each other, and it will feel very strange when my trays are out and I'm chewing, since my teeth might hit each other there. I just need to be a little more careful during this time. Everything else looked good, and I made an appointment to see him again in 8 weeks.

My 9th trays really hurt at the beginning. In fact, I think they were the worst trays for teeth soreness so far. My 1st tray and 2nd were rough on my tongue and cheek at times, but WOW were my teeth sore with these trays! They were ultra sensitive the next day after the first night of being in, and I had to eat my lunch very gingerly. Mind you, my lunch was just chicken salad on soft white bread. I had to maneuver the sandwich to the back of my mouth in order to take a good bite without hurting myself. Luckily, though, it went away after 2 days, and my teeth were back to their normal strong selves.

I did experience gum bleeding with these trays again, though. Again, it was minor, but kind of annoying that it was happening. It still only happens by my crossbite tooth, and by the area where my gumline dips down. I know that part of my gum is loosening up, since that's where the tooth movement is the most dramatic.

I also had to keep my 9th trays in for an extra week. I won a national award at my company, and my prize was a week in NYC with some fellow winners. If I had stayed on track with my tray schedule, I would have just started tray 10 at the beginning of the trip. I didn't want to leave new trays out for the majority of the day (which I knew I was going to do for this trip), nor did I want to deal with really sore teeth when there were many dining engagements I was committed to, so I opted to leave the 9th trays in until after the trip, and really only wear them at night so NO ONE would notice at all.

Instead of changing them on Monday, 1/22/07, like I was supposed to, I didn't go to my 10th tray until Sunday, 1/28/07. More details on this later.

Here are the pictures of what my teeth looked like after the 9th trays:

Center smile:

Center, mouth agape:



Crossbite side:

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