Saturday, December 09, 2006

6th Trays

Again, a pretty unmemorable set of trays, which can be a good thing! The only thing that I noticed this time was that my top trays were actually giving me the tiniest bit of discomfort on my tongue for the first time. I had been really trying to clench my teeth to get that "good fit", and had been sucking that stupid extra spit out of them alot, and my tongue was getting caught up in the upper trays more so than usual. Before it could get really noticable in any way, it was already time to change the trays.

Thanksgiving occurred during these trays, and my relatives came over from OH and PA. My 2 cousins are teenagers, with one still in her braces. No one noticed my braces until I pointed it out to them - yay! Here's a picture of me (in red) with my mom (in orange), aunt, and 2 cousins on our stairs. I love the fact that I can smile as big as I can, and not have to worry about my braces being noticable in pictures!

Now, for the closeups!

Center with mouth agape:

My right side (so you can see my teeth moving back and making way for the crossbite tooth to push to the front):

Upper jaw:

Lower jaw:

And finally, a smile:

We'll be getting our tree today from Home Depot, and might start on some decorating. I think I want our Christmas cards this year to be our puppy by the fireplace decorated with the garland and "PEACE" stocking holders. I'll have to get crackin' on that in order to get them out in time!

Later on tonight, Santa makes his way around our part of the neighborhood. I LOVE this event. I've seen Santa come through many different towns, but this one is, by far, the BEST! Not only do ALL the firetrucks come, but all the ambulances do, too! AND, Santa and MRS. CLAUS go around in a motorized sleigh all lit up! It is definitely the grandest local Santa visit I've ever seen. If I get a video of it tonight, I'll be sure to post it.

We might also visit "Santa Paws" as well. A neighboring town holds this event as a fundraiser for the First Aid Squad. It's pictures of Santa with your pet, and you can buy the pictures on snowglobes, frames, etc, afterwards. It's cheeesy, but it's a worthwhile cause, and has become a bit of a tradition now, so we'll probably do that, too.

Til next time!

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